

BSL Publishing established itself in 2015 after we signed a three book deal to our first up and coming Author Frye, from Savannah Georgia. Our first novel was "Blood.Strength.Loyalty/ The Takeover", second "Beyond The Extreme" and third "Deceitful Lies". Frye has illustrated his dedication to BSL Publishing and has added his personal touch to the company. He has two more series for Blood Strength Loyalty. "Blood Strength Loyalty/Revenge, Blood Strength Loyalty/ The Never Ending Game, Beyond The Extreme/ Suicidal Lover, and Deceittful Lies/2". Frye has 13 manuscripts not published yet. Frye is a prime example of how people can make their dreams become a reality. The writer's vision our company has in place is to create successful publishing that will aid and assist new and struggling writers and Artists. The unique combination of Author Frye and our company has dedicated our aim with a personal touch for making a Writer's and Artists dreams of publishing and distributing their books and music a reality, and to retain all rights to their work.
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