
  • Encore The Power of Words: Dr. Christina Donnell
    Jun 25 2024
    A series of mystifying moments occasioned by words that lit up before her eyes had longtime psychologist and teacher Christina Donnell profoundly engaged. As her sensory impressions of this “living language” deepened within her, she noticed her thoughts giving way to direct perception and her inner sensations yielding to a feeling of universal perception, transporting her to a level of awareness far beyond normal. No longer was there a self separate from other; infinity and eternity had become physical realities; and more.
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  • Essential Astonishments: Gina Mazza
    Jun 11 2024
    “Astonishment is the quintessence of life fully expressed. Yet it is something we cannot will ourselves to feel. This is where poetry—the epitome of word play—steps in, suspends us above the daily drift of ordinariness and alights that spark of awe. It beseeches us to question everything. Every verse, versus, vice versa insists that we stop and revere the nuances of this human experience—to see beauty and grace in the pain and chaos. Poetry encourages us to be wilder in the midst of bewilderment. For this reason, it is an essential tool for experiencing the ephemeral nature of life and the One who created it all.” —Gina Mazza
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  • THROUGH A DIVINE LENS: Sue Frederick
    Jun 4 2024
    Every day we have an inner battle going on between two parts of ourselves: our ego and our soul. When we view the world through our ego lens, life can seem tragic, random, meaningless, and painful. When viewed from our soul’s perspective, we find divine order and soul agreements in every event of our lives. Each of us has the power to uplift and inspire, to feel love and compassion, no matter how tragic our experiences may be. By viewing the world through your divine lens, you can reawaken to the wisdom and potential of your soul, see the opportunities behind suffering, and help in the collective evolution of soul consciousness.
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  • Appalachian Zen: Steve Kanji Ruhl
    May 28 2024
    Steve Kanji Ruhl describes a journey we all take, one that Buddhism calls “seeking our true home.” Edgy, lyrical, and lovingly rendered, this book recounts how a kid from a Pennsylvania mill-town trailer park grew up—surrounded by backwoods farms and amid grief, violence, and passionate yearning—to become something improbable: a Buddhist minister teaching Zen.
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  • Healing Through Sound: Vicki Dodd
    May 21 2024
    Learn about listening to the rhythms and stories of the audible body and learn how to use the voice to unlock emotional pain and suffering. Healing Through Sound takes readers on a journey into the core of their being, unveiling a revolutionary system in which sound isn't just heard but deeply felt. Her method goes beyond the surface, tapping into the body's memory, releasing tensions, and healing emotional wounds that have been hidden for years. Discover how how sound can reshape our body's soft tissue, realign our posture, and liberate us from the emotional baggage we've unconsciously carried for years.
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  • The Illumination Code: Kim Chestney
    May 14 2024
    Have you ever known, felt, or sensed something that defies rational explanation? Have you ever wondered how your intuition is able to know things that should be impossible to know? In this inspiring conversation, renowned intuition expert Kim Chestney will draw on the latest findings in quantum physics to present a multidimensional exploration of the whole spectrum of intuitive experience — from everyday occurrences such as hunches and gut feelings to “impossible” phenomena such as telepathy, remote viewing, and precognition.
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  • Remember, Reset, Receive: Julie Poole
    May 7 2024
    This is a road map to help you create your best life, showing you how to live a life which is joyful and abundant, helping you to be all that you can be and have all that you desire to have. It is broken down into three areas: remember, reset, receive: the ‘3 Rs’.
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  • Goddess: Anodea Judith
    Apr 30 2024
    Goddess as Mother, Crone, Maiden, and Queen. She explores each aspect with history and mythology, going back to pre-history with the Mother, describing the fall of the Goddess through the Crone, the modern resurgence of the Goddess through the Maiden, and women's empowerment through the Queen archetype.
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