
  • The Power of Hacking Your Self-Talk: Reprogramming Your Mind for Success
    Jul 29 2023

    We know life can be tough, and the societal pressure to always 'be happy' can be overwhelming. But let @MarkWilsonVm guide you through his personal journey of finding himself amidst the echoes of negativity that once filled his life. After proving his detractors wrong, reaching impressive financial success, and seemingly having it all, Mark found himself in an emotional void, devoid of self-love despite a life that others may see as perfect.

    In this soul-stirring episode, Mark shares one of the most transformative tools from his personal growth journey - the power of self-talk, inspired by the book "What to Say When You Talk to Yourself." He divulges the crucial role of constant positive reinforcement and the influence of his self-proclaimed 'hack,' making use of Google Calendar for routine, powerful affirmations. You'll discover how he overcame adversities and replaced his negative neural pathways with empowering thoughts that boosted his self-worth.

    If you've ever found yourself struggling with maintaining positivity throughout the day, this episode is for you. It's time to break free from the shackles of self-doubt and replace them with the empowering belief that, yes, you are awesome, capable, and deserving of success and happiness.

    If you enjoyed this episode please leave us a review to help push this message to more listeners and help them live there best lives.

    Please visit TheVikingMarketer.online to access all of Mark's socials, content and free trainings. Feel free to tag him in any of these episodes, this is the best way to give back.

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    8 minutos
  • Letting Go to Level Up - The 80% Solution That Gets You 1000%
    Jul 25 2023

    This episode, we're going beyond dollars, cents, and entrepreneurial cents (see what we did there?). @MarkWilsonVM discusses an enlightening chat between two giants in the online marketing world, Benjamin Hardy and Taylor Welch, and dives deep into a profoundly life-changing concept.

    What's the thing that separates those who merely dream from those who actually conquer? It's not just about adding new routines, habits, or side hustles. It's about subtraction. It's about an 80% solution that sounds simple, but it's as challenging as trying to take a selfie while battling a mutant on a skyscraper.

    The crux? 80% of your journey to a better, more successful you is about letting go of your past self. Your old habits, rituals, even some friendships – if they're holding you back from who you're destined to be, they've got to go. It's like trying to fit a souped-up V8 into a car that's still rocking its old, rundown engine.

    This transformative journey helps you decode how to shed the parts of your life that are no longer serving your purpose and instead, channel your energies to create a more prosperous, abundant, and happier version of you. Remember, it's not just about becoming a better entrepreneur; it's about being a better you.

    So get ready to embark on this journey of personal reinvention. Yes, you might need a box of tissues or maybe even a chimichanga, but trust us, it's worth it. Bring on the new you, and let the old one rest. Are you ready to embrace your 80% solution?

    Tune in to 'Business Brainpower,' where we don't just challenge your thoughts; we challenge your life. If you find value in this episode, don't forget to leave a review, share it on your socials, and tag Mark. Remember, you don't want to miss any of these pearls of wisdom, so hit that subscribe button. Let the reinvention begin!"

    If you enjoyed this episode please leave us a review to help push this message to more listeners and help them live there best lives.

    Please visit TheVikingMarketer.online to access all of Mark's socials, content and free trainings. Feel free to tag him in any of these episodes, this is the best way to give back.

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    9 minutos
  • An Unforgettable Chat with 8-Year-Old You
    Jul 3 2023

    It's time to hop into our metaphorical DeLorean for a rendezvous with your 8-year-old self. What would you say to that wide-eyed, innocent version of you? Would they be proud of where you are today or ask why you've abandoned the dreams you once had?

    In this episode, our affable host Mark, who has the audacity to make you laugh while serving hard truths, invites you to this soul-searching session. 

    Revisit your dreams, scrutinize your journey, and find out whether you're living a life that makes your 8-year-old self proud. Are you nurturing their dreams, or have you traded them for a more 'realistic' life? Or are you just simply saying that your OKAY when your not really...
    Get ready for a life audit like no other, as Mark helps you rediscover your authentic path.

    Fasten your seatbelts for a powerful, emotional joyride through time. Don't forget your tissues (or your hot wings). Let's go!

    If you enjoyed this episode please leave us a review to help push this message to more listeners and help them live there best lives.

    Please visit TheVikingMarketer.online to access all of Mark's socials, content and free trainings. Feel free to tag him in any of these episodes, this is the best way to give back.

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    6 minutos
  • Subtracting Your Way to Success In Business & Life
    Jun 29 2023

    Let's take a mathematical detour today. Don't worry, there won't be a pop quiz later. Think about your life - your habits, routines, and plans. It’s like a box, and that box has a limit to how much it can hold. Now, we're always trying to add things - new habits, goals, side hustles. But like trying to cram a family of raccoons into a Pringles can, it doesn’t quite work, does it?

    Most of us are like the over-ambitious raccoon collector: we keep cramming in more and more, until our box is so full, it bursts, and we find ourselves sprawled on the floor, buried in a cascade of raccoons. Or, you know, unmet goals and abandoned resolutions. Same difference.

    In this episode, Mark, will guide you through the art of subtraction. It’s about decluttering, prioritizing, and understanding that to make room for the new, you’ve got to let go of the old.

    Listen in as Mark, goes into some grade one mathematics that will make you more money than a doctor. It’s all about learning to subtract, so you can start adding where it counts. Tune in now and trade the overwhelm for a well-deserved victory lap. You’ve got this!

    If you enjoyed this episode please leave us a review to help push this message to more listeners and help them live there best lives.

    Please visit TheVikingMarketer.online to access all of Mark's socials, content and free trainings. Feel free to tag him in any of these episodes, this is the best way to give back.

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    6 minutos
  • Unleash Your Inner Piranha
    Jun 21 2023

    @MarkWilsonVM, is ready to set sail on a deep dive into the vast, mysterious ocean of Purpose.

    Let’s play a game. Imagine if Deadpool were a fish. Yeah, a fish. But without any bad guys to dispatch, chimichangas to devour, or fourth walls to break, he'd just be... a fish. Out of work, out of purpose, and pretty darn bored. Just like in a real study on fish, his existential crisis might even send him to the Great Aquarium in the Sky.

    Now, take a moment to swap out the fish-scale suit for your regular clothes (thankfully, less slime). Just like our friend the fish, we humans are wired to chase, strive, and conquer. Our purpose isn’t just the spice of life - it’s the main course. We may get distracted for a minute but when you are left alone without distractions it quickly smacks us in the face. Without it, we risk not just failing to thrive, but failing to survive.

    In this episode, Mark will guide you through the waters of finding your purpose. He'll show you how to navigate the Sargasso Sea of self-doubt, the Bermuda Triangle of boredom, and anchor in the safe harbor of success. It’s all about figuring out your shark, your reason to keep swimming.

    Who knows, you might just discover your inner piranha, or at the very least, you'll avoid the dismal fate of being a bored, out-of-work aquatic Deadpool. Dive in!

    If you enjoyed this episode please leave us a review to help push this message to more listeners and help them live there best lives.

    Please visit TheVikingMarketer.online to access all of Mark's socials, content and free trainings. Feel free to tag him in any of these episodes, this is the best way to give back.

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    7 minutos
  • The Ultimate Showdown: Your Past Self vs. Mega Success
    Jun 20 2023

    Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, to the boxing match of the century – it’s Your Past Self vs. Mega Success! In this punch-packed episode of “Business Brainpower,” the one-and-only @MarkWilsonVM

    Picture this: You’re Indiana Jones, and Success is the golden idol. But there’s a catch – the pedestal is rigged, and you need something of equal weight to replace it. That something? Your old self. But are you ready to let go and dodge the rolling boulders of mediocrity?

    What are you clinging to? Your Netflix marathons? That sandwich you make with a precision that borders on artistic? Is it worth trading them for the epic loot of success?

    I know this was a lot of questions wrapped into one description but they will all be answered or at the very least lead you to the water to drink the answers if you choose to. Hold onto your capes, folks, because this episode is a roller coaster of wisdom and hilarity that would make Tony Stark jealous. 🚀🎩🎢

    If you enjoyed this episode please leave us a review to help push this message to more listeners and help them live there best lives.

    Please visit TheVikingMarketer.online to access all of Mark's socials, content and free trainings. Feel free to tag him in any of these episodes, this is the best way to give back.

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    6 minutos
  • Create Your Own Winning Culture By Conquer Your Morning Like a Freakin’ Superhero
    Jun 12 2023

    Ever wondered what it’s like to wake up feeling like Thor in a business suit? Well, this episode titled “How to Conquer Your Morning Like a Freakin’ Superhero” is the radioactive spider bite you didn’t know you needed.

    @MarkWilsonVM, who swears he doesn’t have superpowers but we’re starting to doubt that, is going to share his mind-blowing, unapologetically awesome 3-step morning routine that’s as epic as Thor’s hammer skills. This ain’t your mama’s “drink water and meditate” advice; this is a full-on victory dance for your mind, body, and energy that’ll have you seizing the day like it owes you money.

    Listen in as Mark R. Wilson business wisdom that would make Bruce Wayne jealous helps you win every single day that's ahead of you. Tune in and become the morning person the Avengers would recruit. 🎧💪🔥

    If you enjoyed this episode please leave us a review to help push this message to more listeners and help them live there best lives.

    Please visit TheVikingMarketer.online to access all of Mark's socials, content and free trainings. Feel free to tag him in any of these episodes, this is the best way to give back.

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    7 minutos
  • The Power of Unfiltered Truth: Unapologetically Owning Your Journey
    Jun 8 2023

    Are you sometimes tempted to stretch the truth about where you are in life or business? We all want to look like the hero in our own story. But, with that being said there’s nothing sexier than the raw, unfiltered truth. Because, let’s face it, life isn't an Instagram filter.

    In this episode, titled “The Power of Unfiltered Truth”, @MarkWilsonVM spills the tea on why honesty is not just the best policy but the ultimate rocket fuel for your success.

    Mark demonstrates how owning your reality can empower and liberate you. By the end of this eye-opening episode, you’ll be inspired to strip away the façade and embrace the crazy, messy, and beautiful journey you’re on. The real you isn’t just enough - it’s darn incredible.

    So hit that play button and let Mark R. Wilson, guide you through the captivating art of authenticity in entrepreneurship and life. Be warned – this episode might just make you fall in love with your unfiltered self. 🎧💥🚀

    If you enjoyed this episode please leave us a review to help push this message to more listeners and help them live there best lives.

    Please visit TheVikingMarketer.online to access all of Mark's socials, content and free trainings. Feel free to tag him in any of these episodes, this is the best way to give back.

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    8 minutos