
  • How To Be Unf*ckwithable
    May 30 2024
    In a world filled with negativity and challenges, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless. But what if you could cultivate a mindset that shields you from external influences and empowers you to navigate life's obstacles with ease? Unf*ckwithable isn't just a word; it's a state of mind where negativity and external influences cannot disturb your inner peace and clarity. It’s about building an armor of courage, confidence, resilience, and determination. In this episode, I discuss how to be unf*ckwithable. For more go to: www.scottmlynch.com Embrace greatness through these empowering offerings: Embrace the boundless power of your mind. Enroll alongside 200+ motivated students in my academy and unlock your true potential. Access two exclusive bonus episodes monthly, ad-free listening, entry to our Members-Only Discord channel, and exclusive discounts on courses and Substack. Unlock actionable insights on how to master your mindset and optimize your happiness through my weekly ⁠newsletter⁠. Maximize your potential and experience life-changing growth by either enrolling in my Private Coaching program or Group Coaching program⁠. Discover your true potential with the support of a passionate Discord community. Access my downloadable and printable exercises to equip yourself with the essential tools for success. Follow me on social for more inspiration: Instagram Facebook TikTok Twitter YouTube Want to be featured in a future episode? Leave a review here (even one sentence helps)! Music by: Blaize Trulson Produced by Legacy Divisions. Past guests on The Motivated Mind include Chris Voss, Captain Sandy, Dr. Chris Palmer, Joey Thurman, Jason Harris, Koshin Paley Ellison, Rudy Mawer, Molly Fletcher, Kristen Butler, Hasard Lee, Natasha Graziano, ⁠David Hauser⁠, Cheryl Hunter, Michael Brandt, and Alan Stein, Jr. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    20 minutos
  • 8 Mental Models To Actually Make Decisions
    May 27 2024
    20% of the adult population struggles with indecision. If you think indecisiveness is just a part of who you are, think again. It's not in your genes or your astrological sign; indecision is a learned behavior. Most people believe that simply reading about mental models will help them make better decisions. The harsh truth is that 99% of these mental models are a waste of time because they aren’t actionable. Reading about them can turn into procrastination disguised as productivity. In this episode, I share 8 mental models you can start using today to actually make decisions. For more go to: www.scottmlynch.com This episode is brought to you by: Claritin Embrace greatness through these empowering offerings: Embrace the boundless power of your mind. Enroll alongside 200+ motivated students in my academy and unlock your true potential. Access two exclusive bonus episodes monthly, ad-free listening, entry to our Members-Only Discord channel, and exclusive discounts on courses and Substack. Unlock actionable insights on how to master your mindset and optimize your happiness through my weekly ⁠newsletter⁠. Maximize your potential and experience life-changing growth by either enrolling in my Private Coaching program or Group Coaching program⁠. Discover your true potential with the support of a passionate Discord community. Access my downloadable and printable exercises to equip yourself with the essential tools for success. Follow me on social for more inspiration: Instagram Facebook TikTok Twitter YouTube Want to be featured in a future episode? Leave a review here (even one sentence helps)! Music by: Blaize Trulson Produced by Legacy Divisions. Past guests on The Motivated Mind include Chris Voss, Captain Sandy, Dr. Chris Palmer, Joey Thurman, Jason Harris, Koshin Paley Ellison, Rudy Mawer, Molly Fletcher, Kristen Butler, Hasard Lee, Natasha Graziano, ⁠David Hauser⁠, Cheryl Hunter, Michael Brandt, and Alan Stein, Jr. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    22 minutos
  • Why Everything You’ve Been Told About Cannabis Is A Lie
    May 23 2024
    Did you grow up believing everything you were taught about cannabis? I certainly did, especially in my small hometown, where misinformation about cannabis was rampant. Our understanding of cannabis was shaped by programs like D.A.R.E., which painted a very distorted picture. For years, many of us have been fed misinformation about cannabis, leading to widespread myths and misconceptions that persist even today. These falsehoods have deep roots, dating back to early 20th-century anti-cannabis campaigns and the infamous "War on Drugs." In this episode, I discuss why everything you’ve been told about cannabis is a lie and I dismantle seven major misnomers about cannabis, revealing the truth behind the lies and explaining why these myths are not supported by science or data. For more go to: www.scottmlynch.com Episode Resources HashDash Embrace greatness through these empowering offerings: Embrace the boundless power of your mind. Enroll alongside 200+ motivated students in my academy and unlock your true potential. Access two exclusive bonus episodes monthly, ad-free listening, entry to our Members-Only Discord channel, and exclusive discounts on courses and Substack. Unlock actionable insights on how to master your mindset and optimize your happiness through my weekly ⁠newsletter⁠. Maximize your potential and experience life-changing growth by either enrolling in my Private Coaching program or Group Coaching program⁠. Discover your true potential with the support of a passionate Discord community. Access my downloadable and printable exercises to equip yourself with the essential tools for success. Follow me on social for more inspiration: Instagram Facebook TikTok Twitter YouTube Want to be featured in a future episode? Leave a review here (even one sentence helps)! Music by: Blaize Trulson Produced by Legacy Divisions. Past guests on The Motivated Mind include Chris Voss, Captain Sandy, Dr. Chris Palmer, Joey Thurman, Jason Harris, Koshin Paley Ellison, Rudy Mawer, Molly Fletcher, Kristen Butler, Hasard Lee, Natasha Graziano, ⁠David Hauser⁠, Cheryl Hunter, Michael Brandt, and Alan Stein, Jr. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    30 minutos
  • Simple Steps to Financial Freedom
    May 20 2024
    Is financial freedom just a pipe dream? Living paycheck to paycheck, drowning in debt, and feeling like you'll never get ahead financially? You're not alone. Shockingly, most Americans wouldn’t be able to cover a $500 surprise expense, and the average American debt per U.S. adult is $66,772. Plus, 77% of American households have at least some type of debt. Most people have just accepted this as the status quo. But the good news is, there's a way out. In this episode, I discuss two simple steps to guide you to financial freedom. For more go to: www.scottmlynch.com Episode Resources Mercury Embrace greatness through these empowering offerings: Embrace the boundless power of your mind. Enroll alongside 200+ motivated students in my academy and unlock your true potential. Access two exclusive bonus episodes monthly, ad-free listening, entry to our Members-Only Discord channel, and exclusive discounts on courses and Substack. Unlock actionable insights on how to master your mindset and optimize your happiness through my weekly ⁠newsletter⁠. Maximize your potential and experience life-changing growth by either enrolling in my Private Coaching program or Group Coaching program⁠. Discover your true potential with the support of a passionate Discord community. Access my downloadable and printable exercises to equip yourself with the essential tools for success. Follow me on social for more inspiration: Instagram Facebook TikTok Twitter YouTube Want to be featured in a future episode? Leave a review here (even one sentence helps)! Music by: Blaize Trulson Produced by Legacy Divisions. Past guests on The Motivated Mind include Chris Voss, Captain Sandy, Dr. Chris Palmer, Joey Thurman, Jason Harris, Koshin Paley Ellison, Rudy Mawer, Molly Fletcher, Kristen Butler, Hasard Lee, Natasha Graziano, ⁠David Hauser⁠, Cheryl Hunter, Michael Brandt, and Alan Stein, Jr. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    24 minutos
  • Why You Need To Start Doing Epic Sh*t
    May 16 2024
    Most people live a boring life. They wake up, head to their boring job, drive back home in their boring car, and return to their boring apartment, only to watch television until they fall asleep. They keep saying, “I want to do this” and “I want to do that” but they never take action. Instead, they merely exist, working just enough to survive and repeat the same boring routine day after day. Years pass, filled with the same boring activities, as they fear expanding their comfort zone and trying something new. This fear keeps them trapped in a self-made prison, where they never explore, never experiment, and never challenge themselves. They never push their boundaries, and most importantly, they never do anything epic. In this episode, I share 11 ideas to add some epic moments to your life. For more go to: www.scottmlynch.com This episode is brought to you by: Truvaga Embrace greatness through these empowering offerings: Embrace the boundless power of your mind. Enroll alongside 200+ motivated students in my academy and unlock your true potential. Access two exclusive bonus episodes monthly, ad-free listening, entry to our Members-Only Discord channel, and exclusive discounts on courses and Substack. Unlock actionable insights on how to master your mindset and optimize your happiness through my weekly ⁠newsletter⁠. Maximize your potential and experience life-changing growth by either enrolling in my Private Coaching program or Group Coaching program⁠. Discover your true potential with the support of a passionate Discord community. Access my downloadable and printable exercises to equip yourself with the essential tools for success. Follow me on social for more inspiration: Instagram Facebook TikTok Twitter YouTube Want to be featured in a future episode? Leave a review here (even one sentence helps)! Music by: Blaize Trulson Produced by Legacy Divisions. Past guests on The Motivated Mind include Chris Voss, Captain Sandy, Dr. Chris Palmer, Joey Thurman, Jason Harris, Koshin Paley Ellison, Rudy Mawer, Molly Fletcher, Kristen Butler, Hasard Lee, Natasha Graziano, ⁠David Hauser⁠, Cheryl Hunter, Michael Brandt, and Alan Stein, Jr. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    22 minutos
  • Tiny Habits That Will Transform Your Life
    May 13 2024
    Great accomplishments often originate from humble beginnings. Every habit begins with a single, seemingly insignificant decision. Habits function as the compound interest of self-improvement, much like money multiplies through compound interest. The effects of our habits multiply as we consistently repeat them. While they may seem to have little impact on any given day, over months and years, their effects can be substantial. In this episode, I discuss tiny habits that will compound and transform your life. For more go to: www.scottmlynch.com This episode is brought to you by: Shopify 310 Nutrition Embrace greatness through these empowering offerings: Embrace the boundless power of your mind. Enroll alongside 200+ motivated students in my academy and unlock your true potential. Access two exclusive bonus episodes monthly, ad-free listening, entry to our Members-Only Discord channel, and exclusive discounts on courses and Substack. Unlock actionable insights on how to master your mindset and optimize your happiness through my weekly ⁠newsletter⁠. Maximize your potential and experience life-changing growth by either enrolling in my Private Coaching program or Group Coaching program⁠. Discover your true potential with the support of a passionate Discord community. Access my downloadable and printable exercises to equip yourself with the essential tools for success. Follow me on social for more inspiration: Instagram Facebook TikTok Twitter YouTube Want to be featured in a future episode? Leave a review here (even one sentence helps)! Music by: Blaize Trulson Produced by Legacy Divisions. Past guests on The Motivated Mind include Chris Voss, Captain Sandy, Dr. Chris Palmer, Joey Thurman, Jason Harris, Koshin Paley Ellison, Rudy Mawer, Molly Fletcher, Kristen Butler, Hasard Lee, Natasha Graziano, ⁠David Hauser⁠, Cheryl Hunter, Michael Brandt, and Alan Stein, Jr. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    27 minutos
  • Why You're Falling Victim To The Frog in the Boiling Water Syndrome
    May 9 2024
    99% of people fall victim to the "Frog in the Boiling Water Syndrome”. This happens when our lives gradually deteriorate, and we adapt to these conditions instead of eliminating them until we're no longer strong enough to escape. Our muscles atrophy, our expectations lower, our goals become non-existent, and our growth stalls. Eventually, we just let life happen to us, becoming victims of our circumstances. In this episode, I discuss how to recognize when you're in the boiling water and, more importantly, how to escape. For more go to: www.scottmlynch.com Embrace greatness through these empowering offerings: Embrace the boundless power of your mind. Enroll alongside 200+ motivated students in my academy and unlock your true potential. Access two exclusive bonus episodes monthly, ad-free listening, entry to our Members-Only Discord channel, and exclusive discounts on courses and Substack. Unlock actionable insights on how to master your mindset and optimize your happiness through my weekly ⁠newsletter⁠. Maximize your potential and experience life-changing growth by either enrolling in my Private Coaching program or Group Coaching program⁠. Discover your true potential with the support of a passionate Discord community. Access my downloadable and printable exercises to equip yourself with the essential tools for success. Follow me on social for more inspiration: Instagram Facebook TikTok Twitter YouTube Want to be featured in a future episode? Leave a review here (even one sentence helps)! Music by: Blaize Trulson Produced by Legacy Divisions. Past guests on The Motivated Mind include Chris Voss, Captain Sandy, Dr. Chris Palmer, Joey Thurman, Jason Harris, Koshin Paley Ellison, Rudy Mawer, Molly Fletcher, Kristen Butler, Hasard Lee, Natasha Graziano, ⁠David Hauser⁠, Cheryl Hunter, Michael Brandt, and Alan Stein, Jr. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    22 minutos
  • Living a Thousand Years in a Day
    May 6 2024
    Many of us find ourselves trapped, watching years fly by without truly experiencing life's richness. But what if there's a way to break free from the time warp? What if routine is to blame for the rapid passing of time and the loss of meaningful memories? In this episode, I discuss how to extend your life from a single day to a thousand years. For more go to: www.scottmlynch.com This episode is brought to you by: Truvaga Embrace greatness through these empowering offerings: Embrace the boundless power of your mind. Enroll alongside 200+ motivated students in my academy and unlock your true potential. Access two exclusive bonus episodes monthly, ad-free listening, entry to our Members-Only Discord channel, and exclusive discounts on courses and Substack. Unlock actionable insights on how to master your mindset and optimize your happiness through my weekly ⁠newsletter⁠. Maximize your potential and experience life-changing growth by either enrolling in my Private Coaching program or Group Coaching program⁠. Discover your true potential with the support of a passionate Discord community. Access my downloadable and printable exercises to equip yourself with the essential tools for success. Follow me on social for more inspiration: Instagram Facebook TikTok Twitter YouTube Want to be featured in a future episode? Leave a review here (even one sentence helps)! Music by: Blaize Trulson Produced by Legacy Divisions. Past guests on The Motivated Mind include Chris Voss, Captain Sandy, Dr. Chris Palmer, Joey Thurman, Jason Harris, Koshin Paley Ellison, Rudy Mawer, Molly Fletcher, Kristen Butler, Hasard Lee, Natasha Graziano, ⁠David Hauser⁠, Cheryl Hunter, Michael Brandt, and Alan Stein, Jr. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    14 minutos